
finally, my minor updating is finish... thank you to all my blogwalkers for your patience... love you all... xoxo...

pixie 2011 planner


baby pixie

Kota Kinabalu, SABAH, Malaysia
petite, married gal hailed from tawau... having a blissful life right now besides my loving hubby... still wacky inside but trying to be realistic at times... love to cook but just don't really have the time to... wish i have more time...

our pixie

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nak cari apa tu?

Monday, May 02, 2011

contest blog paling wonderful...

ni lg 1 contest aryn nak join...
saja ja...

ni blog tuan punya contest...

Welcome To Dhia\

klik ja sini klu nak join skaki ya?
syarat2 klu nak join ada kat bwh ni...

*Jadi follower DHIA'S BLOG*
<aryn da follow...>

*Blogger perempuan atau lelaki pon boleh join*
<aryn pompuan... hehehe...>

*Blog yang dikira 'WONDERFUL' tak kesah lah cantik ke, comel ke, smart ke, hensem ke, macho ke, pendek cerita, yang berjaya menambat hati aku gitu,..cewahh,..HANYA 1 BLOG TERPILIH SEBAGAI PEMENANG,...*
<arap2 aryn la yg menang... amin...>

*Buat satu entry pasal contest & DHIA'S BLOG. Tempek banner contest sekali*
<ni tgh buat la ni... hehehe... tempek banner jap lg ah?>

<hah... banner da tempek da...>

*Tag kepada 5 orang blogger and make sure mereka tahu mengenai contest ini*
<aryn nak tag sapa ya?
1st - farah
2nd - kelly
4th - drj7
5th - fatien
pening nak fikir...>

*Letak banner contest di sidebar blog anda dan link-kan terus ke entry ni*
<aryn da letak d page pixie joined contest ...>

*Setelah selesai, tinggal kan link entry anda mengenai contest ni di comment entry ini. Saya akan check setiap link yang sudah ditinggalkan*
<pas publish post ni aryn tinggal'n ya?>

*Bermula 15 April 2011 sehingga 15 May 2011. Lama kan kan??gunakan masa yang banyak ni untuk hias blog korang supaya jadi Wonderful! okay??*
<lama 2... sempat lg aryn update skit2...>


Dhia Johary said...

Thank you sebab join contest ni,..good luck and all the best!! XD

make it free said...

kalau wat betul2 mesti boleh menang,,,

Diana Diane Teo said...

Hello.. Saya mau drop by di Shoutout box kau tapi ndak boleh. Macam ada masalah kot..

Anyway, so cute background kau.. Hehehe.. Do feel free to drop by and follow my blog. :)

pixie links